Articles in this category Your Coop link To earn credits in Harvest Traffic Coop, simply advertise your Coop link in manual traffic exchanges and/or viral mailers. When you advertise the Coop link, it will display another Harvest Traffic Coo... How do I earn credits? "How do I earn credits?" Why don't I see my own website in my Coop link? "Why don't I see my own website in my Coop link?" Each time you advertise your Coop link in What is the Traffic light in Coop frame? "What is the Traffic light in Coop frame?" The traffic light in the Coop frame indicates if the advertiser has earned credits from displaying it or not. It starts as a red traffic light. The Coop link... How do I add my websites? "How do I add my websites?" Go to the " URL Rules Before submitting a URL to Harvest Traffic Coop, make sure your URL does not violate any of these rules. If the site you promote violates any of them, your site will be suspended. If the domain of a s... How many websites can I add? "How many websites can I add?" Free members can a Banners and text ads "Can I add banners and text ads"? No, Harvest Traffic Coop is only for website advertising. We want to keep focus on the website advertised in the coop frame, instead of filling it with other ads, rat... How does a Traffic Coop work? " Can I advertise my own coop link in Harvest Traffic Coop? "Can I advertise my own coop link in Harvest Traffic Coop?" No, yo Websites pending approval "I just added a site, please appro